Innovative UX design - measurable success

We transform complex software into great experiences.

Our experience
Your gain

We look back on more than a decade of innovation, strategy and implementation of digital solutions and offer you the benefit of our experience.


User Research & Insights

Truly understand your target audience through qualitative and quantitative research to make user-centered decisions.

Interaction Design & Prototyping

Develop intuitive interfaces and interactive prototypes that increase usability and engagement.

UI Design Systems

UI design systems that strengthen your brand and ensure consistent user experiences across all digital platforms.

Usability Testing & Optimization

Systematic testing with real users to evaluate usability and make targeted improvements.

UX Strategy & Consulting

Design Strategy to align your digital products with business goals and user needs.

Why Userdoo...

... is the right partner for your UX design projects

Customer-centric design

We increase user satisfaction and engagement by developing products that are tailored precisely to the needs of your customers.

Result-oriented processes

We deliver measurable results and a clear ROI by implementing targeted design solutions that support your business goals.

Experts for complex user experiences

Userdoo transforms demanding requirements into intuitive solutions that increase your customer loyalty and optimize your efficiency.

Adaptive strategies for your market success

Respond flexibly to market trends and user feedback to keep your products at the forefront of digital progress.

Carina Grobbel
Customer Experience Management | pronova BKK

"userdoo war beim Aufbau unseres neuen Designteams unverzichtbar und hat unsere Arbeitsweise maßgeblich verbessert.
Sie haben uns nicht nur beim bilden des Designteams unterstützt, sondern uns auch dabei geholfen, eine effektive Arbeitsweise in der gesamten Abteilung zu entwickeln.Vielen Dank an Tommy und sein Team!"

Dr. Hendrik Braun
CEO | ShopLove

"Tolle Zusammenarbeit! Mit hoher Initiative und Begeisterung für das Produkt konnten nicht nur die bekannten Probleme sauber gelöst werden, sondern auch neue Schwachstellen identifiziert und bearbeitet werden."

David King
Head of Design
MediaMarkt Saturn

“Tommy is a consummate UX / Design professional in every sense. His experience and design thinking leadership enable him to understand any ecosystem to approach solutions on pace with the immediacy most organisations need nowadays.”

Jillian Mayer
MSEB Abteilungsleiterin
MediaMarkt Saturn

"Die herausragenden Aspekte unserer Zusammenarbeit waren der konstant hochwertige Austausch sowie das schnelle und präzise Verständnis für die behandelten Themen."

Eren Goemleksiz
Senior Product Manager
RIO | The Logistics Flow

"A valued partner who constantly challenges the status quo during product development.

They translate customer needs to impressive experiences."

Christian Dotterweich
CTO & Co Founder

"Userdoo stand as invaluable partners for our organization when it comes to product design, user experience.
Their consummate professionalism and profound comprehension of our ecosystems empower them to provide immediate and exceptional solutions."

Luisa Regnery
Digital Product Manager Cisco Placetel

"Tommy von userdoo berät uns im UI- und Prozessdesign sowie bei der Einführung eines User Research Frameworks. Seine Fähigkeit, interne Zusammenhänge schnell zu erfassen und innovative und trotzdem pragmatische Lösungen mit praxisnahen Beispielen vorzuschlagen, hat meine Arbeitsweise bereichert und die Qualität unserer Customer Experience verbessert."

Eva Klopp
Lead UX Designer | Digital Customer Journey ZEISS

"Tommys Fachwissen hat es unserem Team ermöglicht, Designprobleme effizienter und in größerem Umfang anzugehen. Sein verantwortungsvoller, kollaborativer Ansatz machen ihn zu einer unschätzbaren Bereicherung für jedes Designteam, das nach Exzellenz im UX-Design und im Designbetrieb strebt.
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ROI of UX Design


higher sales growth

Companies with outstanding design report 32% higher revenue growth and 56% higher total return to shareholders compared to other companies.

McKinsey & Company - "The business value of design"


higher overall yield

Customer experience leaders achieved a cumulative total return that was 3.4 times higher than that of laggards in the field.

Watermark Consulting - "The Customer Experience ROI Study"

228 %

Increase in value

In the US, the Design Value Index shows a 228% increase in value for publicly traded companies classified as design-oriented.

Design Business Council - "Proving a return on design investment"



"...on average, for every dollar you spend on UX, you get a 100x return!"

The Six Steps For Justifying Better UX


Higher conversions

Companies that used UX and excellent design systems were able to convert 400% more customers on their websites.

The Six Steps For Justifying Better UX


ROI in design and development

“We estimate a 135% ROI and a net profit of $900,000 (±225,000) from the design system over a five-year period.”

Smashing Magazine - "The ROI Of A Design System"

What to expect when working with us

UX design solutions that provide concrete competitive advantages and support corporate goals.Measurable success and product design that meets real user needs and is seamlessly integrated into development processes.


Concepts based on real user feedback, not on assumptions.By validating the design with your target group, solutions are created that not only convince, but also inspire your users and offer you clear competitive advantages.


UX solutions perfectly tailored to the workflows of development teams.Handover and specifications exactly as your developers need them, in agile, easy-to-understand formats that enable rapid implementation.

UX ❤️ Business

Perfect harmony between business goals and user needs is created to not only increase user satisfaction but also directly positively impact business results.

Project Dashboard

Your project dashboard provides real-time updates, access to meeting notes, invoices and direct contacts – all in one place to keep track of everything.


intelliAd Media GmbH
intelliAd offers software that helps companies improve the performance of their online marketing activities.

Increased user-friendliness through modernized user interfaces and faster implementation in the DEV teams through the introduction of a new design style guide and pattern libraries.

UI modernization
Design System
Complex Software
High number of users
GWQ - Service Provider Portal
Portal for central administration of all contracts and maintenance of company information for medical device providers, provider groups and associations.

At the end of the collaboration, we were able to offer a fully integrated service.
User-centered processes
Design System
Complex application
ZEISS Microscopy - ZEN Blue
Scientists use ZEN Blue to control all ZEISS light microscopy systems.
The improved UX has enabled us to streamline key workflows and address specific user needs.
UX optimization
Modular overhaul
Complex Workflows
High number of users - Proliance 360
Smart data protection management software makes corporate data protection issues simple and understandable.Adaptation of the software to address additional target groups.
Development of a user interface that fits seamlessly into the existing solution.
Information architecture
Target group expansion
Complex Software
UI Harmonization
Tradar is an investment platform where users can buy and trade officially licensed player tokens.

Design System
Design Thinking
User-centered design
poolinq - wine OS
poolinq enables hospitality, winemakers, retailers and eCommerce to manage, automate and control their daily business in one platform. Wine Business reimagined.
Design System
Omni Channel
Complex Software
User-centered design
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